Legal Notices
Variable Environmental Charge
The variable environmental charge is not designed or intended to specifically correlate to the direct or indirect environmental costs of servicing an individual customer. Rather, the variable environmental charge addresses both direct and indirect costs incurred by the Amwaste companies to operate in an environmentally responsible manner and to maintain operating margins acceptable to Amwaste. Unless otherwise negotiated, Amwaste generally assesses the variable environmental charge as a percentage of the customer’s invoiced charges, exclusive of taxes and other applicable charges. Amwaste may vary the amount of and the methodology or formula for calculating the variable environmental charge to recognize or maintain operating margins acceptable to it.
Dear Valued Amwaste Customer,
Amwaste and its affiliated companies continue to incur higher fuel costs in providing the high-quality services our customers have come to expect. While we have attempted to address these higher costs through operating efficiencies, Amwaste can no longer continue to absorb the higher fuel costs. As a result, we are implementing a variable fuel surcharge, effective December 1, 2021 for our Georgia customers. Many of our customers in Alabama and Louisiana have already been receiving a variable fuel surcharge
The variable fuel surcharge will be expressed as a percentage of a customer’s total invoice amount (excluding taxes and other charges), unless otherwise agreed, and is intended to address direct and indirect energy costs – fuel, natural gas, electricity – that affect almost every material used and service offered by Amwaste. Amwaste calculates the variable energy charge using the average price per gallon of diesel fuel on the last day of the month according to the Energy Information Administration of the U.S. Department of Energy (EIA/DOE), as published on its website:(
The index rates by state are as follows:
Alabama – Gulf Coast (PADD3)
Louisiana – Gulf Coast (PADD3)
Georgia – Lower Atlantic (PADD1C)
This index, which is objective and widely recognized, is used in commercial markets to track fluctuations in diesel fuel prices. Amwaste inputs the average price per gallon of diesel fuel on the last day of the month into a formula that produces a percentage to be applied to customer invoice charges. The Amwaste – Variable Fuel Surcharge Table, published on our website, reflects the formula’s correlation of changes in the fuel index to changes in applied invoice percentage. By way of example, if the monthly average price per gallon of diesel fuel is $2.50, then the monthly variable energy surcharge reflected on a customer’s bill will equal 6.0% of the customer’s invoice charges, less taxes and other charges, unless otherwise agreed. Amwaste reserves the right to vary the amount or to adjust the formula for calculating the variable energy charge in order to maintain operating margins acceptable to Amwaste. If Amwaste adjusts the formula, it will update the table accordingly.
Amwaste is dedicated to providing customers with safe and dependable waste collection services. Amwaste sincerely appreciates your business and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your local Amwaste representative. Thank you.
Sincerely, Amwaste
Amwaste incurs many costs to provide high-quality services to its customers, and some of these costs may change significantly from month to month, week to week, or even day to day. Moreover, significant swings in these costs can be hard to predict. Amwaste remains committed to providing its customers with the best value in the marketplace. To do this, Amwaste uses variable charges to address volatility in certain costs of services in lieu of imposing fixed prices designed to address what may or may not happen over the long term. These variable charges allow Amwaste to maintain acceptable operating margins while also maintaining value to the customer throughout the customer’s service period.
Variable Fuel Surcharge
Energy costs – fuel, natural gas, electricity – are almost constantly changing and often in ways that can be hard to predict. Changes in direct costs of energy also ripple into seemingly unrelated costs because almost every material and activity that exists or occurs in the marketplace has an energy cost component. The variable energy charge helps Amwaste maintain acceptable operating margins and customer value despite volatility in direct and indirect energy costs. The variable fuel surcharge is not designed or intended to correlate specifically to the direct costs and expenses of servicing an individual customer’s account. Rather, the variable energy charge addresses overall direct and indirect energy costs incurred by all affiliates within the Amwaste family of companies.
To do so transparently, and unless otherwise negotiated with a customer, Amwaste calculates the variable energy charge using the average price per gallon of diesel fuel on the last day of the month according to theEnergy Information Administration of the U.S. Department of Energy (EIA/DOE),as published on its website:
The index rates by state are as follows:
Alabama – Gulf Coast (PADD3)
Louisiana – Gulf Coast (PADD3)
Georgia – Lower Atlantic (PADD1C)
This index, which is objective and widely recognized, is used in commercial markets to track fluctuations in diesel fuel prices. Amwaste inputs the Lower Atlantic (PADD1C) rate for Georgia and the Gulf Coast (PADD3)rate for Alabama and Louisiana on the last day of the month into a formula that produces a percentage to be applied to customer invoice charges. The Amwaste –Variable Fuel Surcharge Table, published below, reflects the formula’s correlation of changes in the fuel index to changes in applied invoice percentage. By way of example, if the monthly average price per gallon of diesel fuel is $2.50, then the monthly variable energy surcharge reflected on a customer’s bill will equal 6.0% of the customer’s invoice charges, less taxes, and other charges unless otherwise agreed. Amwaste reserves the right to vary the amount or to adjust the formula for calculating the variable energy charge in order to maintain operating margins acceptable to Amwaste. If Amwaste adjusts the formula, it will update the table accordingly.
Should you have questions regarding your invoice or the variable energy charge calculation, please contact your Amwaste service location.
For additional information, please review the tables below.
Collection Operation — Amwaste Variable Fuel Surcharge Table
Landfills and Transfer Stations — Matter Management Variable Fuel Surcharge Table